Thursday, June 14, 2012

Garden of the Gods

As you have probably surmised, the cruise part of this blog has been written after the fact. No Internet no wifi no outside world on the was wonderful

We are spending this last week in Colorado Springs. Ralph is at the MORS meeting, giving his paper and attending the sessions. I, on the other hand have been spending a wonderful week with my dear friend Ginger.

Yesterday we spent A great day exploring the Garden of the Gods ...








Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Sitka -Saturday and the end of our cruise

As we approach Sitka, or New Arcangel ... the capital of Russian America, we have our most beautiful day ever....



The night before, one of our naturalists, Jeremy, read us a poem by Robert Service, and presented a a photo review put together by our crew.


As we left the ship the crew wished us a fond farewell including, our captain, Marcie

The city of Sitka has a very interesting history...

  • It was settled more than 10,000 years by the Tlingit native people
  • In the early 19th century, the Russians, claimed it and established their capital of Russian America
  • In 1867, the US government bought the area from the Russian
See this link for more detail ...

A took some photos of the neglected Russian cemetery ...




And some photos of the city itself, including a photo of bakery window, my russian paternal grandmother was named Tillie...






A wonderful cruise.....I would recommend it to all......

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Sukoi Inlet - Friday

Our last full day of the cruise is another opportunity to kyack ....

The ship anchors in the Sukoi Inlet, between Baranof Island and Kruzof Island, not far from Sitkah...

The ship is ready for us...




We go out towards the Pacific (but not too far)

And then head back....

And then once around the ship...




Sitkoh Bay and Kasnyku Falls - Thursday

As we head towards Sitka, we stop in morning in Sitkoh Bay and then, in the afternoon, we pass by Kasnyku Falls




But, first, in the am, there is a bear sighting....

Then we move on the Sitkoh Bay on the southern end of Chicagof Island. Ralph and I decide it's time to do some sea kayaking....



Out towards the Chatham Strait...


There's an old cannery at the mouth of the bay...

And then back towards the ship...


In the afternoon we continue south towards the Baranof Island (Sitka sits on the west shore of the island)...



George Island - Wednesday

We leave Glacier Bay National Park, enter Icy Strait and head to George island.


A tiny, uninhabited island, north of Chichagof bears we are told...

Off we go for a hike to the other side of the island. We find flowers, sea life, etc...

We return to our ship, enjoy dinner and another beautiful sunset ....


Alaska has one more treat in store for us....



Wait...there are two of them....


And they say good bye...